Rosenberg Featured in WCBA CEO Spotlight - RCS Legal
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Rosenberg Featured in WCBA CEO Spotlight

On March 31st, Rob Rosenberg, President of Rosenberg Consulting Services (RCS), was featured by the Waukesha County Business Alliance in the CEO Spotlight.  RCS has been a proud member of the WCBA since 2017. 

Q: Describe your business in 2 sentences or less:
A: Rosenberg Consulting Services provides strategic visual consulting services to law firms when they go to trial. We help communicate complex information in a easy to understand format and translate them into visual building blocks for fact finders.

Q. What has been your biggest challenge in running your business?
A. Our biggest challenges have always been making sure that we find a healthy work/home life balance. I’ve learned that most success starts in the home and have worked very hard to incorporate a healthy balance in all facets of my life.

Q. What is the most important lesson you’ve learned while running your business?
A. One of the most important things I have learned over the years is to treat people with kindness. Building the people around you up versus dressing them down is always a sure way to help others be better at their jobs.

Q. What is your personal key to success?
A. When I started Rosenberg Consulting, someone asked me (before coming to work for me) what I wanted the company to stand for. I said to them “I want to do good work for good clients and have fun doing it.” I’ve stayed as true to that as possible over the years and I’m still having fun.

Q. What’s the first job you ever had?
A. The first job I ever had was when I was 11 or 12. I used to deliver transcripts to law firms throughout Chicago for my father’s court reporting firm. I learned my way around downtown Chicago as well as some of the biggest law firms in the country at a very young age. It was a great experience.

Q. What’s your dream job?
A. I’m not sure I ever had a “dream job.” I like having a “reality job.” That mindset keeps me grounded in what I’m doing versus what I’d rather be doing.

Q. What book are you currently reading or would you recommend?
A. Admittedly, I don’t read many books. I read a lot of trade pieces and tons of news. I like to keep up on what’s happening in the world. However, the last book I read was fantastic. The Devil in the White City was an amazing read. Being from Chicago, I learned things I didn’t know about the city I grew up in.

Q. What is something unique about you?
A. A lot of people don’t know this, but I actually studied art/photography in college and not law. All of my knowledge of the law comes from experience working on many high stakes cases. That sort of makes me a professional layman in law.

Q. What is your favorite pastime?
A. I would say my favorite activity is to travel. My family and I travel a lot. We love to explore new places and try new things.